
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Arduino and Vera

Here is a link to a very good and easy to understand web page that describes more or less exactly step by step how to build the following devices for your MiCasa Verde Z-wave Home automation system togheter with Arduino. So if you are into Vera and Z-wave but still need some help with Arduino this the place to start. Winter is still long and cold and there is time for more projects!

By combining the Micaseverde Vera an Arduion Gateway and sensors you can add each sensor for somewhere between 10-20$, A lot cheaper than the price for similar Z-wave devices and you also get the great feeling of building something yourself thanks to Mr Ekblad's excellent descriptions!


Temperature Sensor
Distance Sensor
Humidity Sensor (DHT22)
Light Sensor

Energy Meter - Pulse Sensor
Water Meter - Pulse Sensor
Motion Sensor
Pressure/Temperature/Weather forecast sensor (BMP085)
Soil Moisture Sensor
Relay Actuator

Relay Actuator with a button
IR Sender and Receiver
Servo Actuator For your DIY cheap blind controller project !


  1. page linked above is no longer supported. go to for current info

  2. Nice blog......Z-Wave is a wireless communications protocol designed for home automation, specifically for remote control applications in residential and light commercial environments.Trane Nexia products
