By combining the Micaseverde Vera an Arduion Gateway and sensors you can add each sensor for somewhere between 10-20$, A lot cheaper than the price for similar Z-wave devices and you also get the great feeling of building something yourself thanks to Mr Ekblad's excellent descriptions!
Temperature SensorDistance Sensor
Humidity Sensor (DHT22)
Light Sensor
Energy Meter - Pulse Sensor
Water Meter - Pulse Sensor
Motion Sensor
Pressure/Temperature/Weather forecast sensor (BMP085)
Soil Moisture Sensor
Relay Actuator
Relay Actuator with a button
IR Sender and Receiver
Servo Actuator For your DIY cheap blind controller project !
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ReplyDeleteNice blog......Z-Wave is a wireless communications protocol designed for home automation, specifically for remote control applications in residential and light commercial environments.Trane Nexia products